
為什麼不記帳? - 古德明 | 2017-07-31 | | 蘋果日報

為什麼不記帳? - 古德明 | 2017-07-31 | | 蘋果日報

為什麼不記帳? - 古德明

When Herbert Hoover, who was to become president of the United States in 1929, was in charge of Belgian relief work before the United States entered World War I, he crossed the English Channel many times between London and Belgium. It took a full day to make the trip, so three meals were served on the boat.
At breakfast on one of his crossings, he asked the steward to keep a record of his expenses and collect payment for them at the end of the trip. The steward hesitated, shifted from one foot to the other, and finally blurted cut: "Damn sorry, sir, but when the last boat was torpedoed the passengers got drowned. We may be sunk any moment, so I must collect after each meal."
*Shift是「轉移」,to shift from one foot to the other直譯是「由一隻腳轉至另一隻腳」,即身體重心置於左脚又不是,右腳又不是,是不安的表現。


