
口不對心 - 古德明 | 2017-09-23 | | 蘋果日報

口不對心 - 古德明 | 2017-09-23 | | 蘋果日報

口不對心 - 古德明

答:商務印書館《英譯廣東口語詞典》把「口不對心」譯做to speak with one's tongue in one's cheek,但較好譯法是to say what one does not mean。
To speak with one's tongue in one's cheek一般是指「以諷刺或開玩笑方式說話」,也作to speak tongue in cheek,直譯是「說話時舌頭在臉頰處」。今天,向人家伸舌頭(to stick / put one's tongue out at someone),有輕蔑的意思;從前,用舌頭把一邊臉頰向外撐,也是輕蔑的表示。十八世紀英國名作家斯摩萊特(Tobias Smollett)小說《藍登傳》(The Adventures of Roclerick Randon)就有以下一句:I signified my contempt of him, by thrusting my tongue in my cheek(我用舌頭把臉頰一撐,以示對他的輕蔑)。所以,to speak tongue in cheek就是「說反話」,例如:He was speaking tongue in cheek when he said the burnt beef was "well cooked"(他稱讚燒焦的牛肉「烹煑得好」,是說反話)。
至於「口不對心」,可看美國前總統克林頓一位政敵兼舊同窗傑克遜(Cliff Jackson)的話:Bill Clinton never says what he means. He never means what he says(他心裏的話從來不說出來,說出來的從來不是心裏話)。
「口不對心的人」,英文可叫a hypocrite(偽君子),那樣的人也可形容為double-faced或two-faced,例如:Don't trust him. He is very two-faced(別信他,他口是心非)。


